Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Those "Special" People In Life

No, I'm not talking about the mentally handicapped. Yes those are mentally handicapped are special people, don't get me wrong, I worked with them for several years as a Special Olympics volunteer. Those special people, although afflicted with a handicap that leaves them a few steps behind the Average Joe, still contribute positively to life. They inspire, overcome, and surprise you around every turn. The "special" people I'm referring to, on the other hand, do not.

Have you ever heard someone talk, and you just go...WTF Mate? Yes, I'm sure we all have. Now imagine that on the grand scale, on a constant basis. Most would rather run head first into a brick wall that have to listen to these special people, and some actually have.

Now I know its expected that in life we will come across people such as this...morons we call them I believe. Its just a fact of life that some people are stupid and annoying and will be hated at all. I would venture to say that a majority of non-military types perceive those in the military to be...not so fucking stupid. I mean, these are the Army Strong, Few and Proud, Crossed Into the Blue BAMFs who kick ass and take names later, right! Matter a fact, no...idiots exist everywhere, and the Army is probably the best representative of the cross section of the "American People" as any subsection you may find. And to further agravate the problem of the Special People...we give them power, authority, and rank.
You would think the cracks would be thin enough for them to be filtered out, but NOOOOOO. It doesn't matter which side of the fence you rank lies on, be it NCO or Commissioned Officer, the Special People survive...and boy do they shine.

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